Saturday, December 21, 2013

Around the Web: Jay Smooth

Medium: Black Ink Pen

What can I really say about Jay Smooth other than Jay Smooth for president!  Jay smooth runs a blog called Illdoctrine where he usually gives his opinion on current Hip Hop news and politics.  He is known for giving a witty and enlightening point of view on any given subject, whether its Mitt Romney's failed campaign strategies or random rap beef in the hip hop world.  I can't even explain myself how amazing this young man is at articulating his opinions.  All I can say is half of the time, I watch with my mouth wide open in amazement.

His videos can be viewed at

Friday, December 13, 2013

Around the Web: The Gentlemen's Rant

The Around the Web blog posts are going to be about random cool people I find around the internet that you should pay attention to because you have no life.  Every post will feature fan art done by me and a quick description.  The first Around the Web feature is none other than the four men from the youtube series "The Gentlemen's Rant."

Normally when people on youtube go on and on about random topics, it isn't special in any way shape or form.  But these four gentlemen hilariously pinpoint what the average guy is thinking on any giving subject from kids, to strip clubs, to dating and relationships.

Once you see just a couple of videos from John Elerick, Will Stephens, Roger Roth, and Travon Free, you'll find yourself franticly clicking every video on their youtube page for hours and hours of laughs, especially when watching their classic apple commercial spoofs.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  Watch them all at

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The D.O.R. Show: Jeff's Paula Deen Song

Welcome to the D.O.R. Channel Blog!  The first post is from the D.O.R. Show.  Jeff Phillips has a special taste in women, and you can tell from his latest song.  In this video, he expresses love for his favorite TV Chef, Paula Deen.  This is just the first of many videos to come from the D.O.R. show.  All videos can be viewed at